Saturday, April 24, 2010


Lest you think from all my backlogged blog posts that I am not doing anything at all in London, I thought I'd give a little update on something I'm loving in London. I just back from a run along the Thames River. Which when you think about it, is kind of a crazy statement to make. Me, in London? Running on the Thames River? How did I get to such a cool place? You'd think with 14 days left here it would have finally sunk in that I am, in fact, living in London, but it still never ceases to amaze me. We have been having lots of sunny, beautiful weather lately (I know, who thought it was possible in England?), so I have been taking advantage of it and going running more often. And let me tell you, I just love running along the Thames. It could be the fabulous view of Big Ben and the London Eye, or the wind coming off the water, or watching boats cruise by, but whatever it is, I just love it.
Granted, I am not the best runner in the world. In fact, I'm a pretty slow runner. Maybe I should call myself a jogger instead. Or a speed walker? Last week while I was running, I got passed by a man running to catch the bus.
How embarrassing.I'm going to rationalize and say I was pacing myself for a long, 30 minute run, whereas that guy was sprinting so he wouldn't miss his bus.
But besides my lack of skill, I just really enjoy running. I feel like there is always something going on or somewhere to be or homework to do, because I am trying to maximize my time here. But running is such a nice break--the one time in the day that I just turn my mind off and don't think or worry about anything and just listen to my iPod and let my body go. It helps clear my head whenever anything is bothering me and is just a great release. And since I haven't been able to skate while I'm here, running is definitely the next best thing. But 17 days until I can get back on the ice, which is great news for this figure skater going through severe withdrawals! But in the meantime, I'm going to continue my runs/jogs/speedwalks along the Thames. Because you can't really beat the view. :)

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